Sunday, December 16, 2012

Winter Season/Solstice Repatterning: Peace & Prosperity

What a powerful transition time we're in!  As December ends and we move into Solstice time, Xmas and New Year's, I have two gifts for you, two unique and entirely f*ree sessions for you that will be recorded.  If you are on my email list you will receive those as my gift and if not, you can sign up at the home page at  

Your first gift: Wednesday December 19: Winter Solstice Repatterning:  Blessings of Peace and Prosperity, Teleclass, live (will be recorded)  8:30 to 9:45 pm Eastern time

Your second gift: Saturday December 22:  
Seeding the New Earth, 12/22/12:  Sacred Womb Space Activation & Healing Meditation (details in the next post).

Winter Solstice Repatterning on the 19th:

Transition with ease into the season of winter so you can get revitalized and refreshed through balancing your Water Element.  (Chinese Medicine associates winter with the Water Element.)  In nature we see this as water flows deep under the frozen ice,  as the chi or life energy of plants and even animals go underground or into hibernation. 

Only us human beings fight the natural changes, by staying over-busy and refusing to slow down.  We keep our busy work schedules and add on parties and family obligations, more financial pressures, etc, instead of taking the rest and quiet we are supposed to take in during the winter, and recharge our energy for the spring, summer and fall ahead. 

Balance your Water element, step off the hamster wheel of busy-ness and overwhelm, release any anxieties about finances or family gatherings and come back to center.

Recharge your energy after the wild ride of 2012, connect to the peace that is always present, and open to new possibilities and prosperity in the New Year.

Want to know more about the Water element? It’s really cool (no pun intended)!  It’s all about flow, power, reserves of energy and money.  It’s also about courage, and drive—and after this year of 2012, wouldn’t it be great to recharge and find our courage to move forward again?

This is a free group repatterning session which you may attend live by teleclass, and will be recorded.  Here is the number to dial in: +1 559-546-1301 Access code: 279607 

Meantime, please enjoy this beautiful Solstice song from wonderful singer songwriter Celia Farran, her gift:

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