Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Riding the Waves in these Wacky Times

I am back to posting here, after a strange and challenging summer. What's it been like for you? Time--and life--are moving faster than ever, and we are being constantly challenged to stay centered as things change and fall apart all around us. As a client said recently "Everything I ever believed in has fallen away. It's hard to know what to believe anymore." She lost her business, her home and her relationship within 3 months.

Many of us have or are experiencing loss, although hopefully it isn't as intense for you as it was for this client. Support is vital, though it can feel like we have even less money to spend on that...which is why I will be offering lower cost group sessions and programs to provide that support in addition to private sessions.

I will also continue my focus on helping you clear blocks to bringing cash in, and to manifesting money, clients, an intimate relationship or the quality of relationships that you want

The next Joyful Manifesting Intensive begins on September 26th and it's 5 days in a row of repatterning work to clear your obstacles..the beliefs, memories and subconscious counter intentions that sabotage you, etc.
Clearing the "stuff" that blocks the Law of Attraction from working for you.

So, happy to be back!

Many blessings,

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