Friday, March 16, 2012

Joyful Manifesting & Manifesting Tips

Hello..our next Joyful Manifesting Intensive--5 days in a row of getting your path unblocked.  That's a whole lotta clearing for less than the price of a single session. Learn more here and register by midnight March 20th:

Here's a juicy manifesting tip for you:

Joyful Manifesting Tip#1: Discovering Your Unconscious Programmed Beliefs

This can be very revealing.  What you do is look at one or two unwanted circumstances in your life.  Write them down, like “I am attracted to people who don’t like me or who reject me”, or “I am in a dead-end job that does not use my gifts and talents”.  Just take one or two to start.  Now, ask yourself, “What beliefs might a person (try to look at yourself as though you were observing another person) have that would lead to them being in such a situation?  (the beliefs could be about self, life, the world, other people, men, women, money, work, relationships).”  Write them down. 

The second question would be to ask yourself “What might that person have been told, or how might others have treated her, to make her believe that way?”

Identifying these beliefs and memories is the first step, which is about becoming aware.

Being aware of what is running you puts you in a place of greater self-mastery, because you can choose different programs instead.  But awareness alone is often not enough, as you may have discovered through therapy or reading self-help books. 

 Resonance Repatterning to the rescue!

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