Thursday, March 21, 2013

Confident, Clear and Courageous--this Saturday!

Do you, like many women, have an inner nag who says “Who do you think you are?”  or “What’s so special about you?”  Does being critical, harsh or judgemental towards yourself  take you out, or slow you down?   Maybe you don’t ever feel good enough, or  like you still don’t know enough.   You keep running on the hamster wheel, getting nowhere,  despite getting more advice or a new marketing strategy.  You keep looking for something from outside for that missing ingredient to success.   

Your biggest obstacle may NOT be a lack of ideas, a shortage of information, a weak business model, or a failure to adopt some hot new technology. 

It could simply be a lack of confidence.  
In my fre*e seminar this coming Saturday, I'll be talking about the two tracks to confidence.  INNER CONFIDENCE is  expressed from the inside out, based on how you feel about yourself, your inner self-image, and your self-talk.
OUTER CONFIDENCE is the kind that shows in your body language and your voice.  It shows in how you walk and move, and in the ways you express yourself—clearly, warmly and self-assured, without hiding or apologizing.  A cool tip: You can use OUTER confidence to grow INNER confidence.  Ask any performer or public speaker!

How do you benefit from being more confident? 

It can help you in business, whether you own your business or work for a company.  It can help you be more of a magnet, to attract potential dating interest and new friends, to be someone others want to be around.

With more confidence, you feel better about yourself, value your work more, express yourself more clearly and with more impact.  You can get media attention, build a following, and bring in more clients. You will:  

∙ Know, and be able to say, what is special and unique about you
∙ Be clear about the results your clients have and that your work makes a difference in people’s lives.
 ∙ Create services, programs and content that shine with quality and value, and market them with    enthusiasm.  
∙ Let go of having to be perfect  and putting off your success. 
∙ Feel more at ease sharing your expertise as you relax into being yourself.
∙ Have more ‘presence’ and enjoy more attention-people remember you. 
∙ Gain more of that “know-like-trust” factor  that builds an audience and draws clients.  
∙ Enjoy marketing as a conversation and opportunity to connect with others. 

Your work, your life, just being you--becomes a whole lot more fun and satisfying.  How good can it get?

Confidence blessings,
PS Could you--and other friends or family members use more confidence? If that sounds good, PLEASE join me this Saturday at 4pm Eastern and tell others! 

Remember you must register on two different pages for the details for the Summit and the call I'm leading on Saturday 4pm Eastern.  go to

See you on the call...looking forward to it.

Confidence blessings,

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