Sunday, January 11, 2015

New Year 2015: End the Insanity. Wait: it's not even the new year yet!

You know I march to a different drummer.  So, maybe I've really gone off the deep end this time?

Insanity of Resolutions
Einstein said "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results".  Make resolutions--year after year--that become promises we fail to keep to ourselves.   Add to the pile of regrets and self-recrimination we're already carrying?  I don't think so...

I always talk about manifesting intentions instead.  It's so much kinder and more inclusive and allows for the unexpectedness of life.  Intentions guide your life and therefore don't become like a "pass-fail" grade by which to judge yourself. 

Come join us for the annual New Year's group to Manifest with Ease in 2015 and let go of any burdens or unresolved emotions from the year that just passed.  Go to

Goal or Hope Trauma, anyone?
Then there's goal setting, which is more about how you are going to bring your intention into manifestation.  More insanity: study after study says goal setting is key to success, yet most people don't set goals.  There's actually a reason for this: Unresolved goal trauma. 

I've got some new tools to help if you think that may be happening for you, from Tapping into Wealth.  Learn more about this potent new work I'm offering at  Join me for free teleseminars or a private discovery session, many events in January, then twice monthly from there on.

It's not New Year's yet? What the Bleep?? Wasn't New Year's day on January 1st?

Of course it was, on our Julian (Roman) calendar, a man-made calendar imposed on us in Roman times. It was designed for control, and does not correspond with any nature-based or astrological calendar. 

I'm talking about Human Design, a profound system for understanding each person's
design--how they function in the world--which I am learning.  In Human Design, the New Year doesn't begin until approximately January 22nd.  If you are curious, read
the full article here:

So, join us for the New Year's group, get repatterned for Mercury Retrograde, and
start getting tapped into more wealth....repatterning info at
Tapping into wealth info at

Joy, prosperity, health and a SANE and HAPPY NEW YEAR,

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