Saturday, June 5, 2010

Repatterning Your Self-Talk: Highlights of Yesterday's Session

Yesterday's group session on "Repatterning Your Self Talk" was a powerful one. You can listen to the recording by going to the link on this post.

It is always fascinating to me to see the different issues that get brought up in a session--even when I offer a session on the same topic, the content of the session will always be tailored to that particular group so it's fresh and interesting. Yesterday's session for example, was from Family Constellations repatternings (written by Carin Block), and it was the Repatterning for Receiving. It's not necessarily the repatterning I would have expected us to be doing, but then, I'm often surprised--and in retrospect it always seems perfect.

The Repatterning for Receiving is all about being able to take in what is nurturing to us and the blocks we have around doing that. As I look back, it makes sense that this is the repatterning we did because it's all about being able to receive appreciation, praise, positive feedback and any kind of input that is nurturing and beneficial. When we don't feel worthy or deserving, or that we are loved, cared for and included in our families, we develop a habit of taking in criticism and negativity and filtering out positive input.

Another significant piece of the session was the healing modality, which was about integrating the archetypal energy of the Saboteur--that part of ourselves that appears to be interfering or blocking us from achieving our conscious desires. Our modality was about "fusing in" or integrating the Saboteur energy. According to Carolyn Myss in her book "Sacred Contracts" which is all about working with archetypes, the Saboteur is one of the basic 4 archetypes we all have. The others are Victim, Prostitute and Child. If you find archetypes interesting, please check out her book. It's very enlightening and helpful in understanding yourself more deeply.

So, feel free to listen to the session by clicking on this link, and be prepared--you will receive an actual session by listening. You can follow along and write down your own answers to the questions I ask to deepen your experience.

Here's to happier Self Talk,


  1. Thank you for your generosity in sharing this, Ellen. I look forward to listening to your tele-conference. This topic is up for me right now and I have felt locked up. Just your words above have given me a lift and a reminder of how complex, powerful and fragile we all are. I love this kind of work. Blessings, Jennifer Starr

  2. Thanks, Jennifer and welcome to Heart's Abode! It's great to know you got a lift from this. Have you listened to the session recording yet?
