Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Say Yes to Life!

We had a sweet but powerful call tonight. The topic: Staying Centered in Turbulent Times. There was a brief meditation, including the Abundance Decree by Maureen Moss, followed by a Committment Repatterning.

This repatterning looks at what our percentage of committment is to a particular goal or intention. Our overall intention for this session was to "Say Yes to Life". As the session began, we were only resonating between 10 and 15% committed to "Saying Yes to Life". That means that 85 to 90% of our behavior, emotional energy and subconscious programming was saying no (or at least not saying yes) to life. Talk about driving with the brakes on!

After the session, the group is now resonating with 100% committment to saying yes to life.

That's nice, you say, but you missed the call? No worries, mate. You may actually listen to the recording of the session and receive the benefit that way. I set that intention when I began the session, that it will repattern not just the people present on the call, but anyone who listens to it later. How cool is that? We call that in the world of repatterning: retro-intending. Because time is not linear, this actually works!

So here's the link. The recording is about an hour. To get the most out of it, I recommend listening to it in one sitting, uninterrupted. Treat this like an actual healing session--because it is. You wouldn't go to a coach, healer or therapist and multi-task. And it will be much more powerful that way. In fact, people have had powerful reactions to listening to the recording so don't think this is just food for the mind. It's the real deal. Enjoy!

To listen on your computer:

download link: save as an MP3 and listen when you like:

Many blessings,

PS Don't want to miss future monthly f*ree sessions? Make sure you are signed up at my website at Next one is August 25th. They will be the last Wednesday of each month (except for major holidays).

PPS Next Joyful Manifesting Intensive begins August 10th. Breakthroughs, anyone?

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