Friday, December 17, 2010

Energies of December 21st and beyond..fasten your seat belt!

Here is an update from Jose and Lena Stevens on what we can expect, and some additonal astrological information. Their site is

Please join me on December 21st for a half hour tele-gathering and completion of the year energy work, at 1pm Mountain (3 pm Eastern), right in the "power window" time. Dial in to 1-712-432-1600 access 121233#. It's my gift to you and feel free to invite others.

Your planetary update:

The Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse is at 1:13 AM Mountain Standard Time on Tuesday, December 21. The Eclipse should be visible in North and South America after midnight. Winter Solstice is exact at 4:39 PM Mountain Standard Time on the same day. Needless to say, this is an extremely powerful day especially the time frame between the eclipse/full moon and the solstice, setting the stage for the next period of time. It is imperative that you stay away from any situations where conflict, violence, argument or disagreement is anywhere present. Keep your energy focused and clean. If you have your ducks in a row and have managed to maintain balance and focus, you could experience a higher centered breakthrough with a lot of insights, clarity, intention and a great sense of rightness to your life and direction.

If not, you could be in for a breakdown. Breakdowns will happen in the aftermath of this day and will affect anything that should have been dealt with beforehand. Make sure to do something special to honor this day, set your intentions, write your wish lists and treat this solstice as the true beginning of a new year. If you are still dealing with situations that do not have closure, do something symbolic such as a burning ceremony around the issues to acknowledge your intention of completion. Come from gratitude in your communications and interactions.



Additional Astrological Notes: Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her PATLILES@AOL.COM

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini
Sun in Sagittarius 29º/Full Moon in Gemini 29º
1:13 AM MST, Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Visible in North and South America after midnight
Winter Solstice - Sun enters Capricorn - 0º
4:39 PM MST, Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Overview of astrological aspects of the next few weeks:
12-30-10 Mercury goes Direct 12:21 AM MST
01-04-11 New Moon in Capricorn/Partial Solar Eclipse 13º 2:03 AM MST
01-19-11 Full Moon in Cancer - 29º 2:22 PM MST
Fourth of five full moons at last degree of the sign.

What does all this mean to you and me?

Herald the Rebirth of the New Year! The Sun has completed the nadir of its journey and is now renewed and reborn as it crosses the Winter Solstice point (Summer Solstice for Southern Hemisphere folks) and enters the first degree of Capricorn. The sacred point of rebirth - one of the four major astrological power points of the year along with the equinoxes and the summer solstice. We enter the domain of the Raven and ask this crafty ally to gift us as it goes into the dark and brings forth the light.

If you want to read the influences of the year, you look to the Winter Solstice chart, the longest night and shortest day. At this solstice time, the Sun enters Capricorn, the cardinal (initiating) earth sign ruled by serious, orderly Saturn - Lord of Time. The planets are aligning auspiciously on this particular solstice with the torch of a Full Moon illuminating the solstice just 15 hours before, powerfully intensifying the influences that present themselves for our examination and reflecting the upcoming year.

What is most prominent in the solstice chart? Well, there is a Grand Square aka Grand Cross involving the exact conjunction of asteroid Pallas Athena and the Sun at 0º Capricorn, square asteroid Juno, square Jupiter conjunct Uranus in late Pisces, and square South Node conjunct Moon in Cancer. A multitude of squares and oppositions abound here noted for their dynamic, tension-causing influences. Energy will move under this configuration as we are forced to make choices in the areas that these planets and asteroids rule. What will these configurations bring us in the way of influences?

The planets, except for Moon and Venus, are masculine in nature and the major asteroids (Ceres, Juno, Pallas Athena, & Vesta) bring in the feminine influences. These feminine influences have a most prominent place in this chart especially Athena and Juno with Ceres aiding with benevolent energy to unlock the tight Grand Cross. Athena exactly conjunct the powerful, waking Sun at 0º Capricorn, rules three major areas - social justice, artistic energy and creative inspiration and intelligence. Remember, she sprang full grown from her Father's head. In the sign of Capricorn, she brings in the influences of form and structure. Healing the skeleton and teeth (form & structure) using modalities such as chiropractic, cranial-sacral work, deep tissue massage that breaks through resistance and old patterns is useful.

For more about Athena and the other influences, stay tuned for the next installment...

Written by Patricia Liles. Contact her PATLILES@AOL.COM

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